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If You Hibernated This Winter, Here’s How To Spring Into Exercise Again!

If You Hibernated This Winter, Here’s How To Spring Into Exercise Again!

5 Steps to Spring into Exercise Again

While we’ve had a few glimpses of Spring over the past month, we’ve had our fair share of spring snow showers as well. It looks as though things may finally warm up this weekend! So here’s your Spring PSA: less hibernation and more exercise! However, the warmer weather doesn’t mean you’re muscles and joints can automatically handle the same level of stress you were accustomed to last summer or fall. Ever if you opted for running on a treadmill or cycling on a trainer over the winter, transitioning to outside will add different stresses to the body. If you had a strength-training stalemate all winter, the body is likely to lose some of its tone, condition and flexibility, so without easing your way back into active routines, injuries can easily pop up.

1.  Proper footwear is key!

With warmer weather coming, so is running outside more often. Running on harder surfaces, such as sidewalks, or on a sloped surfaces, such as cambered roads, will increase stress on muscles and joints. Having proper footwear for the first run outdoors is very important! This will help to reduce stress on your legs and prevent injuries as you slowly increase your mileage again. There are many options for purchasing running shoes in the area: Performance Running Outfitters is our local favorite!

2. Slow and steady wins the race.

Even though the warmer weather has us excited, don’t jump back into exercise as long, fast or frequently as you did last summer. It’s important to gradually reintroduce your body to the stresses, frequency and duration of exercise. Don’t get discouraged if you’re endurance is lacking a little this spring. It will return quickly, just be patient!

3. Recovery is just as important as exercise.

Remember that proper rest, nutrition, and soft tissue work are just as important as putting in the work. Foam rolling and chiropractic care should be used proactively! Loosening up your muscles and connective tissues will help keep you moving toward your goals and prevent overuse injuries. Foam rolling and myofascial release work can help break up trigger points and fascial adhesions (the ‘knots’ found in muscles) and increase blood flow to your muscles. This can go a long way in limiting or preventing muscle soreness as your body adapts to the increased demands of exercise.

4. More than just cardio.

After a winter of limited physical activity, it’s important to wake up those muscles important to proper running form. This means glutes and core! Performing a few strengthening exercise either pre- or post-run will go a long way toward preventing injuries. Taking 5-10 minutes to go through some easy front and side planks, glute bridges and clam shells will help wake up sleepy glute and core muscles for better form and injury prevention.

5. How we can help.

Chiropractic care and soft tissue work will make sure your muscles and joints are moving and functioning properly. An over-stressed muscle or restricted joint can ultimately lead to injury, making sure your body is moving properly will prevent muscles or joints from becoming over-stressed and wear down. Check out more information on our Running Performance Program and Preventative Treatment options.
