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New Chiropractic Guidelines

New Chiropractic Guidelines

ACA Embraces New Direction for Chiropractic

Dr. Shiels is excited and encouraged by the new direction the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is taking. ACA is taking a strong stance on evidence-based care, more effective collaboration with other medical providers, and better patient outcomes.

ACA has recently partnered with Choosing Wisely to help patients make informed decisions about which chiropractors to see for treatment. They have also released new evidence-based treatment guidelines for practitioners. In addition, ACA has created a new Pledge of Professional Values for all members to sign and uphold.

This is all being done to assist the public and advance the chiropractic profession forward. The general public, as well as other medical providers, can better distinguish the differences between chiropractors. This also encourages chiropractic treatment consistency and yields the best possible patient care.


As an ACA chiropractor, I pledge to

make Accountability to my patients and the public a

priority by adhering to treatment standards and best

practices adopted by the association and by focusing

on patient outcomes.

I strive to provide higher quality care

and Consistency for my patients by using evidence to

inform my practice, remaining committed to the ACA

Code of Ethics and exhibiting the highest level of

professional excellence.

I treat fellow members with courtesy and respect

while embracing a collaborative approach and new

philosophical Attitude toward other health care

professionals that moves the organization, and the

profession, forward.

 You can read more about the professional changes coming through the ACA on their website:
