Holiday Eating Tips with Ashley

Here are some fun holiday eating tips and questions we asked our functional nutritionist Ashley Schmidt of Wisconsin Fatigue & Weight Clinic.
Q: How many cookies should we leave out for Santa?
A: Such a good question! How many do you want to eat (or put back or toss out)? Make sure to leave carrots and celery for the reindeer to balance it out!
Q: Do holiday calories count?
A: Yes, they do but it’s also a holiday. It’s not realistic to expect anyone to completely avoid unhealthy foods. There are memories, comforts, and joys attached to a lot of holiday specific food items. Where is your balance? Can you taste rather than indulge or go wild on the treats?
Q: Does eating crappy for the holidays affect you for the rest of the year?
A: Not necessarily eternally, however it is likely to affect you for a while depending on how much you indulge, and how much you work to reverse that.
Q: Does sugar really affect your immune system?
A: When you eat a sugary food or drink, it reduces your immune system function for a few hours. So, if you have several sweet treats throughout the day, your immune system is reduced all day.
Q: Is there such a thing as sick season?
A: Certain viruses have a season that they are more prevalent. Additionally, lack of vitamin D and increase of sugar can cause people to be more susceptible to becoming ill. It is not an issue of avoiding being exposed, it is an issue of can your immune system keep you from becoming sick when exposed.
No matter how much skin you have showing, and for how long you are outside, we are too far away from the sun to absorb vitamin D from Oct-April. A supplement is needed for a lot of folks in our region, as the vast majority test low during this time. A recent study also found that if you take a vitamin D supplement, you are less likely to get the flu than if you get the flu shot!
Q: What are your favorite supplements for the winter time?
A: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Elderberry, and reishi (ganoderma lucid) mushroom can help boost immune function. Getting enough sleep, of course, is also vital to keep your immune system functioning optimally. Regular exercise also builds the immune system. In addition, managing stress will put you in the best place to resist getting sick.
Q: What are your favorite holiday eating tips?
A: Strike a balance. Have a veggie serving for each treat you have. Stay active to help balance those extra incoming calories. Try to make half your plate veggies at celebratory meals to keep things in check while also allowing yourself to taste some of the seasonal specialties.
Q: What are the best ways to keep New Year’s resolutions?
A: Be realistic. It’s great to have a big goal, but make sure you have smaller benchmarks along the way. Set SMART goals for yourself.
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relative
- Timed
Find someone to be your support system, like a family member, friend, or coworker. Get or stay motivated with non-food rewards.
Lastly, have a backup plan! We are all human, and life will throw you off track unexpectedly. It’s not about whether you get thrown off course. It’s about choosing to pick yourself back up and get back on track!
Check out more information on our providers and the services our clinic offers! To schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors click here or call 262-373-9168. To schedule with Ashley for a nutrition consult call (262) 373-8277.