Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee has become pretty popular over the past year, so we wanted to answer a few commonly asked questions about it. Answers are courtesy of Ashley Schmidt, a licensed nutritionist and functional medicine specialist with Wisconsin Fatigue and Weight Clinic.
Check out our YouTube video below where Dr. Moira Martin and Ashley Schmidt go over these questions in detail.
What makes bulletproof coffee “bulletproof”?
It has been marketed as a great way to help lose weight and increase energy throughout your day, however don’t expect this to be a true bulletproof solution. Like most other trends, do your homework and combine it with exercise and a healthy diet.
What are the ingredients?
You may see some coffee marketed recently as being bulletproof. Some folks are jumping on the health craze to make bulletproof coffee you brew as normal with MCT (medium chain triglycerides) already added. You don’t need to buy a certain product to achieve the bulletproof coffee of your own. You simply need coffee and a MCT source which could be grass-fed butter or coconut oil. MCT oils are being widely marketed already-simply as MCT oil.
Health benefits?
Proposed benefits typically focus on increased energy and weight loss. Energy may be sustained (less ups and downs) because the fat at breakfast does not raise and drop your blood sugar as a high carbohydrate breakfast would. As for weight loss, bulletproof coffee alone likely won’t lead to any weight loss. It is also touted to improve mood, suppress appetite, and reduce inflammation. These are direct results of increasing the healthy fat in your diet.
What kind of results should you expect?
Most often of interest in folks following a keto, or low carb/ high fat diet. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach in the morning without a meal, because combined with a meal it would add up to a lot of calories and work against the weight loss someone is probably striving for.
Check out some of our other posts and videos on popular nutrition topics:
- Bulletproof Coffee
- Holiday Healthy Eating Tips
- Keto Diet
- Intermittent Fasting