Personal Training FAQs

Personal Training FAQs
Q: What does a typical personal training workout look like?
A: Our workouts typically begin with a warmup that consists of foam rolling for needed areas, as well as mobility exercises, often for areas such as the hips, shoulder, and mid-back. For our clients involved in athletics, the warmup will also include more dynamic movements. All of these movements are determined by an initial assessment.
Following the warmup is the strength training portion of the workout, typically consisting of 6-10 exercises that cover main movement patterns and muscle groups. Exercises such as squats, dumbbell presses, lunges, and abdominal/trunk exercises are all included here. These exercises are selected based on the needs of each individual, their goals, sport, limitations, etc.
The final portion of a workout is a conditioning, or “cardio”, block. This can look like many different things, from sprinting to throwing medicine balls to crawling and doing jumping jacks!
Q: How long is each workout and how many days per week should I train?
A: Workouts at our facility take about 60 minutes. This is normally enough time for an individual to complete all three phases of their workout. We have some clients that like to spend more time warming up or foam rolling. If that’s you, showing up 5-15 minutes before the start of your session is not a problem. Just ask!
The number of days you train each week is very individual depending on your schedule, availability, etc. However, we encourage clients to come in and train at least two times per week, with three being ideal. If that is tough for you to swing, we can also write you a workout to do at home one day a week to complement your other days in the gym!
Q: Do you include nutrition coaching in your training membership?
A: During training sessions we will certainly discuss nutrition with you and the importance it plays in your goals and how it compliments strength training. However, if you are looking for a specific meal plan, calorie and macronutrient goals to hit, or more in-depth nutritional coaching, we work with Wisconsin Fatigue and Weight Loss Clinic in-house for those clients. If that is something you’re interested in, click here for more information!
Q: What are the benefits of personal training?
A: Benefits of strength training include increased stability, mobility, strength, muscle mass, and so much more! If you’re an athlete, in addition to the aforementioned things, strength training plays a huge role for you in power and force production, as well as injury prevention. In addition to these physical benefits, many people find increased overall energy, mental acuity and focus, and decreased stress!
Q: How do I get started?
A: Schedule an initial assessment and evaluation on our website by clicking here, or give us a call at 262-373-9168 and we can get you set up!