Top 3 Strength Exercises for Runners

Our Favorite 3 Strength Exercises for Runners
This month we have been posting numerous things to our social media pages concerning the topic of running. In our clinic, our sports chiropractors treat many patients who run both competitively and for leisure. Our strength coach works with numerous runners, from those who do it for enjoyment to athletes competing at events such as the Wisconsin Ironman. Considering it is now April and we are coming upon prime running season here in Wisconsin, here is a blog post with a few of our favorite strength exercises for runners.
1) Front-Foot Elevated (FFE) goblet reverse lunge
Execution: Start by standing on an elevated surface such as a low step or a bumper plate. From this position, step back with one leg and drop down into the traditional lunge position, ensuring that your knee drops pretty low, but not quite touching the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat on the same side for 8-10 reps, and then perform the same on the other side.
Why we like it: The reverse lunge is a great exercise for the glutes and quad muscles, in addition to challenging balance and stability. Elevating the front foot only increases all these things via an increased range of motion. So, with this one exercise, we get quad and glute strengthening, foot/ankle and hip stability work, and abdominal strengthening from the balance component. For a runner, this leads to a more efficient running stride, more power output, and a decrease in the likelihood of injury.
Programming: 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps per leg
2) Single Leg Hip Thrust
Execution: Set up with your upper back, just below your shoulder blades, resting on the bench, cross your arms across your chest, and tuck your chin down. Next, position one foot below your knee while holding the other leg off of the ground and push your hips down towards the floor. To begin, push through your heel and squeeze your glute to raise your hips up until they are fully locked out. Return to the bottom position with your hips low to the ground and repeat. Be sure to keep the pressure on your heel the entire time, as well as keep your hips level throughout the movement.
Why we like it: The single leg hip thrust is an excellent movement that strengthens the glutes via hip extension, which is a crucial movement to run technique. If this movement is inefficient or weak, other muscles like the low back or hamstrings often try to “help out”, which may lead to injuries and slower times. Additionally, the 1 leg hip thrust challenges and improves hip and trunk stability and control, just as in the FFE reverse lunge.
Programming: 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps per leg
3) Side Plank w/ Banded Clamshell
Execution: Take a mini-band and place it above both knees. Get into a side plank position with your knees on the ground and fully bent. Come up as high as you can into your side plank, and once there open up your top knee, keeping your feet together. Perform for the desired amount of reps and then repeat on the other side.
Why we like it: This exercise works numerous big things all at one time. You are working on abdominal strengthening and bracing, lateral hip and glute strength and stability, as well as shoulder stability. For a runner, the stronger and better control of the lateral hip and glute that you have the better. This exercises nails all three at one time.
Programming: 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps per side
If you’re struggling with injuries due to running, check out series on treatment of running injuries. If you’re looking to take your running to the next level check out our Running Performance Program.