Low Back Pain Treatments
Did you know that medical research supports chiropractic care and spinal manipulation for low back pain? While there is a growing body of research evidence supporting chiropractic and manual therapy interventions for musculoskeletal research, this particular article was published in SPINE back in April of 2013.
Manipulation vs NSAIDs
This was the first study that investigated spinal manipulation in a double-blind, randomized control study design, the gold standard for medical research. The study evaluated 101 patients with acute low back pain (LBP), dividing the participants into three groups of spinal manipulation, Diclofenac (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID), and placebo. The results of the study can be seen in the image to the right, as created by the Evidence Based Chiropractor website. Spinal manipulation proved clinically superior to both Diclofenac and placebo for treatment of acute low back pain. Researchers conducting the study concluded that “manipulation can be recommended for the therapy for acute nonspecific LBP.”