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Getting New Year Resolutions Right

Strength Training Chiropractor Milwaukee

Have You Given Up New Year Resolutions Already?

Most people have New Year resolutions that includes getting in shape and working out. However, many of us don’t quite know where to start. How do you lose weight vs gain muscle or what to even focus on when we are in the gym? The goal of this blog is to provide you with a bit of knowledge in answering the above questions so it’s not such a mystery.

Weight Loss New Year Resolutions

Let’s start with how to attack weight loss compared to muscle gain. The answer to this conundrum actually is mainly addressed in the kitchen. If you had to choose between eating right or working out to lose weight (you can do both by the way) you should pick eating right. You can try one of these fad diets but a more long-lasting way to do this is slowly but surely making healthy replacement choices. Perhaps one of the most impactful changes you can make is to replace processed foods with whole, organic ones. The first few steps are to get the crappy food out of the house. Then, the real challenge, stop buying it again at your next grocery store run.

My other suggestion is simple. It makes a huge difference in how you feel and your ability to lose those extra pounds, it’s cutting out sugar. Keep in mind this is simple…not easy. Start by reading the packages of items you’re buying. I bet you’ll be surprised by the amount of sugar in the things you are eating. So to recap, in order to make lasting dietary changes make small, sustainable exchanges in your diet instead of drastic alterations that you won’t be able to stick to and cut that extra sugar out.

General Diet Change Tips

  1. Make health switches, like away from processed to whole foods.
  2. Decide if you are in it for weight loss or muscle gain. Weight loss will tend to favor healthy switches and less intake.
  3. Give yourself some wiggle room. Strict diets don’t last! 
  4. Consult a professional to help get you on the right track, like a functional nutritionist, dietitian, etc.

Workout New Year Resolutions

Next let’s discuss how to safely get into a workout routine at the gym. The best thing you can do for your body is to workout in good form. Form may not be the sexiest topic, but it could easily be the most important. Maintaining good positioning with movements upon repetition and added weight is paramount. The human body is smart and can adjust to less than ideal circumstances for a while, but why get yourself in bad habits and stress your body in the first place?

Keeping a neutral position in any workout you’re doing is a great way to start. For example, when performing a squat or deadlift, keep the back neutral and not arched in extension or rounded in flexion. The same with the neck, don’t be looking up or down during the lift, stay straight and neutral. This allows your body to work the muscles those lifts are meant to be focused on and not strain other structures potentially leading to pain and injury. Another factor that is imperative in staying safe at the gym is progressing weight and reps properly. I’d suggest consulting a professional in this area on how to do so in a safe manner. We all want to be progressing with our workouts but doing so in a calculated manner when your body is ready is the best policy that will keep you away from getting injured.

General Workout Tips

  1. Use good form…always! Even if you’re picking up dumbbells off the rack or loading and unloading a barbell.
  2. Progress weight and reps wisely. Consult the help of a personal trainer, if needed.
  3. Start slow. Begin with 2-3 days a week for 30 minutes. Planning to go every day for a long time can set you up for failure.
  4. Workout front and back musculature evenly. For the upper body, use a 1:1 ratio of pushing and pulling movements. For lower body, use 1:1 ratio of quad and hamstring/glute exercises.

So to wrap this up, eat smart and get active but do so in a sustainable, smart, and effective way for the best results. Don’t be afraid to consult a professional, that’s what they are there for! Getting started is usually the hardest part, keep in mind you don’t have to wait until the conditions are perfect to do so, just get going. Good luck!


Blog by Dr. Moira Martin
