How to Correct Cross-Over Gait (Part 2)

In a previous post, the “what” of cross-over gait was discussed, as well as a couple tests to determine if you are crossing-over while running. In this post the “why” and “how” will be discussed. Why does it happen? How do I correct it?
Why Does Cross-Over Gait Occur?

Cross-over gait typically occurs for two reasons. The first reason is weak or inactive glute muscles, specially the gluteus medius. The second reason is due to over-pronation at the foot.
It’s important to remember there is a difference between weak and inactive muscles. You may have perfectly strong gluteal muscles, but if the muscles are not firing or contracting when you need them during the gait cycle, you may still be at risk of injury.
The image to right shows the effects a weak or inactive muscle can have up or down the kinetic (movement) chain. A weak or inactive gluteal muscle causes the opposite hip to drop, called contralateral hip drop, and internal rotation at the femur (thigh bone). This leads to inward motion at the knee, which is called knee valgus. The tibia (shin bone) internally rotates and can result in over-pronation at the foot. The same thing can happen vice-versa, starting with over-pronation and working back up the kinetic chain or movement chain.

How To Correct Cross-Over Gait
Now that you have basic understanding of the reasons why cross-over gait occurs, how do you fix it? This answer will vary depending on the why. It may involve strengthening a weak muscle, gaining neuromuscular control over an inactive muscle, improving biomechanics, or possibly finding a new running shoe.
If the “why” involves strengthening your gluteal muscles, here are a few exercises that will benefit you.
Glute Exercises for Runners
If the “why” involves gaining neuromuscular control over an inactive muscle, here are couple things that will help you.
Running Gait Analysis
If you need new running shoes, we highly recommend you visit our friends at Performance Running Outfitters. They are the best in the Milwaukee area, and one of the top running stores in the nation.
If you have cross-over gait, we recommend having a professional gait analysis performed. This will help you identify the cause for your pathologic gait and get you back to running pain free as soon as possible. We offer this service at our clinics, and each of our chiropractors is fully trained to evaluate your gait and diagnose the issue leading your symptoms.