Elite Sport & Spine Sponsors WLC Cross Country Running Events

Wisconsin Lutheran College Cross Country
The chiropractors at Elite Sport & Spine are excited to announce our sponsorship of all Wisconsin Lutheran College Cross Country running events again this fall! This presenting sponsorship includes the 19th Annual Warrior Invitational on October 5th with grade school and college races, the 21st Annual Elite Sport & Spine Cross Country Grade School Challenge on October 18th, and the Warrior 5k…Through The Park on November 9th.
Each of these cross country running events will be held at Greenfield Park in West Allis, WI. Our sports chiropractors will be present at all events, providing free injury evaluations and soft tissue treatments for runners.
Warrior 5k…Through The Park
The Warrior 5K…Through The Park takes place at Greenfield Park in West Allis on Saturday, November 5th. Packet pick-up and day-of registration begin at 7:30am, and the 5k starts at 9:00am. This event offers the competitive feel of cross country running in late fall, and is above all designed to be a unique opportunity for all running enthusiasts. Runners can race as an individual or sign up in teams of four to earn team awards. Run, jog, walk, or race, all are welcome to come enjoy beautiful Greenfield Park. More information and online registration are available on the Warrior 5k website.
Cross Country Grade School Challenge
The Grade School Challenge takes place at Greenfield Park on Friday October 18th. The Girls’ race begins at 5pm, and the Boys run at 5:30pm. This cross country running event began to offer grade school runners a championship-style event. Consequently, the goal of the event is to create excitement and a sense of accomplishment that will keep them interested in the sport of cross country. Qualifying participants are from public and private grade schools and middle schools from throughout the greater Milwaukee area and Lutheran grade schools throughout Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Participants in 4th through 8th grade must qualify for the event by finishing in the top 40% of a 7th or 8th grade race during the season. Likewise, teams can qualify by placing in the top 40% of a meet as well. More details on qualifying requirement and event registration are available on the Grade School Challenge website.
Warrior Invitational
The Warrior Invitational takes place at Greenfield Park on Saturday, October 5th. The event hosts over 600 runners across four races. The day kicks off with grade school races of 1.5 miles. First of all the girls run at 9:30am with the boys following at 10:00am. Then the college races begin, with the women racing a 6k at 11:00am and the men racing an 8k at 12:00pm. Award ceremonies will be held after the grade school races and after the college races. WLC alumni enjoy a tradition of creating teams to compete in the college races each year, so Dr. Zach Shiels and Beth will also be competing in the college races.
Cross Country Running Chiropractors
Our Brookfield and Waukesha sports chiropractors have training in many soft tissue treatment techniques including Graston Technique® and Active Release Technique®.
Graston Technique®, another soft tissue mobilization method used by sports chiropractors and other sports medicine specialists, utilizes stainless steel instruments to break up scar tissue and mobilize soft tissue adhesions. More information on the services we provide is available on our Sports Chiropractic and Graston Technique pages.
Our manual myofascial release protocols combine deep massage with stretching to provide exceptional relief from muscle soreness and pain. Additional information on myofascial release and Active Release Technique® (ART) can be found from RunningCompetitor.com and RunnersWorld.com!
We hope to see you at one of these great cross country running events!