teleMEDS Virtual Healthcare Service Offered

We are excited to announce a new service for our patients during these unprecedented times! Virtual healthcare and physiotherapy offering through our new teleMEDS service begins Monday, March 23rd.
This is something that we have been slowly working on for several months and planned to roll out in the fall of 2020. However, the current coronavirus pandemic served as an impetus to move up our timeline.
We have received many questions and comments regarding this service since our announcement on social media last Thursday. First, teleMEDS is acronym for the following:
- M – Mobilizations
- E – Exercises
- D – Dynamic stabilization
- S – Stretches
New Patient Assessment

Using a video chat, our chiropractors will be able to discuss your condition or injury and take a normal history just as we would in a face-to-face setting. They can also evaluate and assess your movement very similar to an in-person clinic setting. Using functional movement (SFMA) and directional preference (McKenzie evaluation) assessments, we will be able to do the same evaluation process as we perform in our clinic. While we won’t be able to perform all the orthopedic tests we normally would, there are still many that we will be able to have you perform on the video chat.
As the acronym suggests, our chiropractors will prescribe MEDS for you to perform at home. As our current patients know, we prescribe multiple mobilizations, exercises, dynamic stabilization movements, and stretches or foam rolling for self-care to our patients. That will be no different with our teleMEDS option. Obviously, we cannot perform any manual therapy treatments virtually. Therefore, no Graston Technique, manual myofascial release, or spinal manipulation is available during these appointments.
Here is a list of conditions that we often treat very little manipulation or manual therapy being performed:
- acute low back pain/disc herniation/sciatica
- shoulder impingement
- IT Band syndrome
- hip pain – tendinitis or bursitis
- tennis or golfer’s elbow (medial or lateral epicondylitis)
- knee pain – patellar tendinitis or patellofemoral pain syndrome
teleMEDS Scheduling
You can schedule online just like any other appointment, click here, or call our clinic at 262-373-9168.
You will receive a confirmation email with instructions for virtually connecting with our chiropractors through the HIPAA-compliant website.