Make Appointment phone icon 262-373-9168 20900 Swenson Drive, Suite 575, Waukesha, WI 53186

3 Steps to Success in Strength Training!

3 Steps to Success For Strength Training Clients


Brookfield chiropractor, Sports chiropractor, crossfit, weightlifting powerlifting, strength trainingOver the years we have treated, trained, coached, rehabbed, and worked with many different people. Our clients have been of all different ages, with varying goals, injury histories, and athletic endeavors. While each athlete and client is a unique case, there are three things we have observed that lead to success in strength training, sports, and ultimately life.


1. Consistency 

Whether you are training for a marathon, rehabbing your nagging lower back pain, trying to find relief for frequent headaches, or working towards a 300lb deadlift, the most consistent clients see the most success. We don’t mean consistently being seen by us (although that does play a role.) Successful clients are consistent with their at-home rehab exercises. Consistent with their strength training, week in and week out. They are consistently eating well (not perfectly). They receive routine maintenance on their body – whether that be massage, dry needling, chiropractic care, etc. Successful clients are consistent.


2. Don’t wait for things to get worse 

Graston Technique, Brookfield sports chiropractorLet’s face it, at some point, we all get injured. Successful clients start taking steps to manage their injuries right away. Whether that be performing non-painful movements for your rolled ankle, doing the old rehab exercises that helped you out of pain in the first place, or scheduling an appointment before a painful flare-up becomes a bigger issue, successful clients recognize when something isn’t right, and take the appropriate steps to begin moving in the right direction. 


3. Take responsibility 

Brookfield sports chiropractor, Waukesha sports chiropractor, rehab exerciseSuccessful clients take their health and well-being into their own hands. Yes, we are here to coach you through your training program, provide soft tissue work for your shoulder injury, and teach you how to rehab your Achilles tendonitis – but you still have to do the work. Take responsibility and show up to train. Religiously perform your at-home PT exercises to move along faster in your rehab. Eat a healthy diet and prioritize your sleep because you know you feel better when you do. Successful clients and athletes recognize that while we are here to support you and help you on your fitness and health journey, ultimately the work falls on you. 

Are your ready to take your performance to the next level? Schedule your initial evaluation for a strength and conditioning program today! Schedule online or call 262-373-9168.
